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Exercises for drying the body for women

Water diet, her point review simplicity, and very effective. Explain that the effect is simple. People are often deceived by their desire to eat something. When there is a slight hunger, you can drink water. At the same time, the desire to eat something quickly disappears or becomes dull. In this principle, a water meal is the basis. The testimony of those who applied it to get rid of the extra kilograms above all proves the need to be able to distinguish thirst and hunger.

Exercises for drying the body for women
Exercises for drying the body for women

This diet is named like this to drain the fat body. Since the correct mastering of a method can take years, do not consider the fact that everything starts immediately. Diet "drying the body" refers to the category of severe mutant tk. Lack of carbohydrates in the diet, the main energy source, takes away essential powers. That is why nutritionists do not recommend more than once a year.
Diet "dry the body" is the three main they last about 3 months. Your main goal is to gradually reject simple carbohydrates. In the first month (stage), carbohydrate intake is low, but by the end of the month, you should move to a protein diet using vegetables as much as possible. In the second stage, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced and used only in the morning. The third stage of the period is the shortest (3 weeks) but the heaviest.
Exercises for drying the body for women
Exercises for drying the body for women

Nutrition such a principle, weight will begin to decline rapidly. In order to avoid skin problems, any physical activity that stimulates the growth of muscle tissue is recommended. But for this issue, some rules are also important: you can eat 2 hours before training and 1 hour after the end.
The diet “dry your body” is lighter and is an option if the time required for each stage is reduced to 2 weeks. The results may perfectly meet your expectations. Carb deficiency reduces intellectual activity, so think carefully about your immediate plan before following it.
The pre-compensation that the diet “dry body” menu is desirable is to use a certain amount of carbohydrates at a rate of 2 grams per kilogram of body weight in the first stage. It is recommended to minimize animal-derived salt and fat content in the product.
In the second stage of the diet, the calculation is applied: 1 gram of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight. Stage 3: 0.5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight. If the results do not satisfy you, you can lengthen the third stage period a little or repeat the meal in reverse order.
Exercises for drying the body for women
Exercises for drying the body for women

Drinking enough water is very important. This can prevent dehydration of the body. For proper calculations it is better to use a kitchen scale and a special table containing information about the amount of carbohydrates in the food.
Diet "dry" menu of the day: low-fat dairy products, slimming meat, vegetables. In the early stages, complex carbohydrates such as cereals are acceptable.
Considering the fact that the diet must be completely corrected at the time of dieting, it is recommended to consult an expert. In some cases, such meals are contraindicated.

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