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7 ways to reduce "stress-blood pressure" effectively and safely

7 ways to reduce "stress-blood pressure" effectively and safely

  1.     Enough sleep

Do you know that sleep deprivation Not enough sleep Causing stress And is also one of the important causes of high blood pressure. It also affects the health and mental health care generally other.
  1.     Learn how to relax

Here we are not just referring to meditation, yoga or Tai Chi dance. But refers to any activity Whatever makes us feel relaxed Which is a matter of individuals who have different activities to feel comfortable in Some people might like to listen to music, watch movies, relax, draw, embroider. Or even exercise, such as aerobics, cycling, or swimming. Find activities you like feel relaxed And find some time for these things at least 2-3 times a week
  1.     Keep socializing

Don't take yourself out of friends' society for too long. It is true that we should have some personal time for ourselves. But meeting friends Talked about the various events or activities together such as eating, watching movies, visiting concerts and exhibitions Helps to naturally relieve stress

  1.    Make a good time

Regardless of how busy you are But if you allocate time well Clear tasks at a specified time. To allow time for activities with friends, loved ones and family or to maintain a work-life balance, you will reduce the stress of work a lot. (If the work is too overwhelming to do it in time Have to hurry to fix by dividing the work Extend deadline Or requesting help from a supervisor)
  1.     Solve as many problems as possible.

Let the problems remain unfinished. It will only make things worse, both your work and your mental and physical health as well. Including the personal problems that arise with relationships in married life Or in your family Whenever there is a problem, it should be resolved quickly
  1.     Take time to look after yourself.

Even if you are busy But should find some free time on the weekend to take care of yourself Whether going to a traditional massage Eat delicious food at your favorite restaurant. Hair, manicure, stroll where you want to go. Make food that you want to eat at home. Or listen to the song you like
  1.     ask for help

Whenever feeling too stressed Should tell the story that feels like a problem to the people around it Whether it's a family member, lover, friends, or anyone you trust Or if you think that venting in your mind is not very effective Should consult a psychiatrist to find a cure before stress And blood pressure will destroy more health than this

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