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Explore yourself. Are we "hungry" or just "wanted"?

"Who knows as much as I am?" Have you ever asked yourself whether the food we eat today we eat because of hunger? Or eat because you want No matter which direction you walk, you will find a beautiful shop, chic food, all the faces. These things are not wrong. If we will eat once But if eating often Regular eating until accustomed Would not be able to imagine that in the next 3-5 years we will be how fat Or what disease followed And if we don't start to manage our own emotions from today What will the body be like in the future?
In the past, the  Office of the Health Promotion Fund (SorSor.)  Has brought 3 primary body knowledge, namely food, exercise and emotions to people of all ages. For Thai people to eat nutritious food, increase physical activity, and use emotions to overcome oneself for good health ,  with the latest activities being the extension of the belly reduction campaign in the "Challenge You Change" mission, which has experts In various fields to take care of the contestants Both food exercise And learning to apply in their own emotions correctly with good health.

As for Sanga Ngaamapong, MPs and experts in nutrition at the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health One of the food expert coaches  says that in addition to eating the right foods And sufficient exercise.  Emotions  is a great fuel to drive us to have encouragement in exercise Reduce appetite other than the main meal. And is an important part of creating good health Just try to change your perspective. For  example, Today it is raining, no mood to exercise. With raining today, exercising at home is fine. "Or" Eat a meal. Meaning knowing that you are full Didn't want to eat it all Seeing what you want to go all out. "  That decision largely depends on the mood. If everyone has the intention to lose weight Changing one's behavior must also know how to adjust oneself. Must have determination and determination, serious, patient, try to change oneself Important when feeling stressed must find a way to relax. Do not find a solution by eating Because the more you do this, the easier it will increase the belly round for us

Ajahn Sa-nga  explained that  many people are trying to find help to lose weight by ignoring small things: encouragement from ourselves and those around us, both parents or children. These are positive energy that will help us to reduce emotions. Being lazy can reduce the excuse for not wanting to exercise. Or another perspective is Having good health When we grow old we will not become a burden to our children. Must be strong to look after the children And had to change the rest of his life to not a wasted day Being honest with ourselves is something that will help us to have a clear goal. Because having good health must not be forced Don't pressure yourself Do as much as we can From changing from walking to walking fast From brisk walking to running This will make us have more physical activity.

Check a little Why are we fat?

Have behavior like eating foods such as flour, fat, sugar, sweets

Heredity if parents are obese Children will have a chance to become obese.

Caused by abnormalities of work from the endocrine glands Causing the endocrine glands to secretly release certain hormones

Hypothyroidism That causes abnormal dietary control

Taking certain medications that cause increased appetite

Stress that makes you feel like eating more often, both desserts or snacks.

If these behavior occurs It will make us more vulnerable to obesity, so the things that can help are as follows.

Reduce junk food  such as soft drinks, snacks, fried foods and fast food Because it is a food that has little nutritional value but has high calories. Should eat vegetables, cereals and fruits instead

Eat every meal  Especially breakfast Is an important meal that creates energy and nutrients for us to work hard each day And most importantly, will help to reduce the intake of sweets that are both high in sodium, fat and sugar.

Should not eat with other activities such as watching television, talking on the phone or reading Because it will make us eat more than usual without knowing it

Chew food slowly At least 10 times per word, because if chewing quickly We will eat more.

No sweets,  soft drinks at night. Because the body will not burn, causing excess fat

Eat fruits and vegetables on a regular basis.  To create fiber, help in the excretion, add vitamins, minerals, important nutrients to the body Reduce the risk of heart disease was.

Choose foods that come from nature.  Avoid processed foods such as whole-grain rice, brown rice, wheat, beans.

Drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.  No alcohol drinks

Drink regular water and milk.  Should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day because it will help to nourish the cells of the body.

Having good health is not difficult. Only need to have knowledge and understanding of correct conduct If we know the right methods, we can discipline ourselves. Don't let emotions be everything of action. But change emotions to be a challenge to change yourself to better health.

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