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9 ways to eat how to help "fight cancer"

Although the risk of cancer is clearly seen Will be a matter of "hereditary" if found parents, siblings in the family Or relatives with cancer, we may be at risk of that type of cancer as well, but in addition to inheritance, lifestyle and diet are equally important. Even if it's only increasing or decreasing the risk of the disease But guaranteeing that if you can eat food according to the recommendations of The Food and Drug Administration or FDA, in addition to reducing the risk of cancer, can also help to have better health until the changes can be clearly seen.

9 ways to eat how to help "fight cancer"
Eat a variety of vegetables for a variety of nutritious food.

Eat fruit regularly Because it has vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that help with the digestive system And the digestive system

Eating whole grains Or scrubbing to a minimum In order to maintain nutrition and fiber from grains will help carry harmful substances away from the body To reduce the risk of cancer of the digestive and colon cancers such as brown bread, wheat and so on.

Increase the use of spices in food In order to receive minerals, vitamins and other compounds such as pepper, dried chilies, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cumin, coriander, cardamom, cloves, etc.

Eat fruit and vegetable juices. To increase antioxidants ,Eating with waste is best.

Cook the food properly, such as not grilling meat dishes until charred Do not eat cooked food Raw fish, especially freshwater fish with scales And do not use frying oil repeatedly, etc.

Avoid foods that contain fats from both vegetable and animal fats.
Reduce red meat consumption because of high saturated fat..
Reduce the consumption of fermented foods Because it may result in getting too much sodium .5 ways to reduce "sodium", reduce salty, reduce disease .

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