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Unexplained Weight Loss

When a pet loses a significant amount of weight for no apparent reason, you need to go to your veterinarian as it may be an indication of disease. There might be an underlying condition that needs treatment. Overview - In the world today wherein more than 50 percent of cats and dogs are considered obese or overweight, weight reduction is frequently a desirable result for our sedentary, overfed pets. But when pets shed weight despite little effort by the owners parts to effect this change, its frequently an unwelcome symptom of disease. This is particularly true in cases where weight reduction is rapid or pronounced.

Causes - Pets can sometimes shed weight for a wide range of relatively numerous reasons! A change in diet can occasionally cause weight reduction either since the pet finds the food less attractive or because it's fewer calories. A move to a brand new home, a change in schedule, or greater access to the outdoors might lead to weight reduction if a pet becomes more active as a result. Geriatric pets can occasionally lose small amounts of weight as part of the normal process of aging.

Persistent, rapid, or dramatic weight reduction, however, can be the sign of a serious condition, like! Periodontal disease in cats and dogs - Thyroid disease in cats - Cancer - Chronic gastrointestinal obstruction - Orthopedic or neuromuscular disease which leads to loss of muscle mass - What To Do at Home - If you notice weight reduction in your pet, ask yourself a few simple questions: Is the pet otherwise feeling well If changes in diet or activity level do not seem sufficient explanation for the degree of weight reduction, a veterinary visit is absolutely in order.

What the vet will do - There are various steps a veterinarian might undertake to discerning the origin of the weight reduction. Get a history. When did you initially notice the weight reduction? How has it changed? How has your pet been otherwise? How's her appetite? Do a physical exam. What a pet looks and feels like can tell your veterinarian a lot about weight reduction. What do her tooth look like? Does she look otherwise healthful? Do some basic lab work. A CBC, blood chemistry panel, thyroid bodily hormone test, heartworm test, urinalysis, and feces examination are considered basic.

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