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"Vegetarian", how to be healthy And does not increase body weight

  • During vegetarianism, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables to increase vitamin C, which will help to absorb iron.

  • The abstention of meat Or those who refrain from eating meat for a long time May cause vitamin B12 deficiency. Should eat protein from agricultural proteins, tofu and beans or grains.

The vegetarian
  is to abstain from eating meat of any kind. And turned to eat vegetables instead Allowing the stomach to rest from meat digestion And also receiving vitamins And various types of pea proteins Which is different from the protein that we get from meat This period is considered to be the period that the body can relax from receiving difficult to digest nutrients.
Most people are now turning to vegetarianism and tend to rely on food from out-of-stores and often find processed ingredients used as food ingredients to enhance the taste. Sometimes also making the smell and taste to resemble meat In which the substance is added It may contain chemicals, preservatives, and some products are also contaminated with mold. In addition, vegetarian foods are usually made from starch. And has a lot of oil If we are not eating properly, there is a chance that health problems will occur . Therefore, before starting to eat vegetarian food, we should consider the menu to suit both the mind and body at the same time.
Choosing food during vegetarianism is as follows:
  • Focus mainly on vegetables Choose to eat colorful, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables to increase vitamin C, which will help to absorb iron. Eat vegetables that are high in iron, such as spinach, peanuts, long-hatched peas, straw mushrooms and eating fresh fruits and vegetables, in addition to providing a full range of minerals and vitamins. Also high in fiber Make you full faster
  • Eat the right amount of flour To give the body energy Flour you should choose brown rice instead of normal white rice, whole wheat bread.
  • The abstention of meat Or those who refrain from eating meat for a long time May cause vitamin B12 deficiency. Should eat protein from agricultural proteins, tofu and beans or grains.
  • Avoid foods that are high in oil. Reduce fried and fried menus. If cooking by yourself, choose oil from unsaturated fatty acids such as tea seed oil. Canola oil, olive oil
  • Choose stewed, boiled, steamed, steamed, salad, but food that has been simmered for a long time May result in the loss of nutrients such as boiled, hot, should be eaten in moderation.
  • Choose less sweet fruits such as rose apple, dragon fruit
  • Avoid spicy foods such as sweet, salty, eating salty foods. Will have a high amount of sodium Which will result in the kidneys working harder
  • Eat less, but often

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