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Soon the important event, and is my favorite dress a little cramped? At such moments, every girl begins to think about how to lose weight a week and she becomes confident in any outfit. It is impossible to eradicate weight in such a short period of time and it is dangerous for health. However, it is more reasonable to lose weight a week and make the stomach more tight.
How to eat?
To get rid of body fat, you combine proper nutrition and exercise. A well-functioning digestive system is the first step towards a slim silhouette. First, give up fat and sweet foods, stop drinking alcohol, and quit smoking. So you can normalize metabolism. Harmful habits and the desire for confectionery cannot be combined with methods that suggest ways to lose weight in a week to reduce your effort to do nothing. The most harmful is beer-it is this drink that causes extra female hormones in the body to cause fat deposits in the abdomen. In general, meals do not have to be very strict. The main thing-eating fibrous foods that contain a large amount of fiber. Such foods reduce appetite and do not cause constipation or flatulence. If you are looking for a menu to find ways to lose weight in a week, be sure to put it on the list of healthy food grains and vegetables such as buckwheat, vegetables, cucumbers, brown rice, celery, beans. You can supplement your food with a small amount of olives or other vegetable oils, and sour cream or mayonnaise is best left at least during the meal.

Fruit will also be a good choice for time. Weight loss, it is recommended to choose pears, apples, grapefruits, oranges. Protein foods appear on the table not only in eggs and eggs, but also in the form of boiled fish and slimming chicken. Finally, the important product is regular drinking water. Organisms that do not receive the right amount of liquid slow down their metabolic processes. It is very easy to teach yourself to drink enough water. Remember to always have a bottle at hand and drink a few drops regularly. Refill the bottle as soon as the drink is over.
So with proper nutrition, everything I see more or less. And what physical activity suggests the best way to lose weight in a week? There is a specific series of exercises for weight loss that must be done according to some rules.
Patiently wearing comfortable clothes to exercise 2 hours after meals-the results on the first day are not so obvious, but this is not the reason to give up. First practice-lift the body. From the supine position, lift the bent leg to a position perpendicular to the body and simultaneously lift the body off the floor. The maximum number of lifts is 35. The second practice touches the heel. Take your knees and sit from this position. Lift the torso and alternately lower your left hand to your left heel and your right hand to your right. It is enough to repeat 8 exercises in 3 sets. It is not a very effective method-regular abdomen. So the muscles in this region are becoming more elastic and are becoming less and less when thinking about how to lose weight in a week.

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