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What kind of "salad dressing" is good for health?

For health lovers, tend to choose the salad menu as a favorite menu. Because it has high fiber, fiber, and nutritional value Also suitable for people who want to control weight as well And to enhance the taste of a delicious salad to have a dressing room with a double. Nowadays, there are many salad dressings to choose from, what type of dressing should be chosen to suit your needs.  We therefore recommend the popular salad dressing menu in each style to see what flavors are available. How many calories And suitable for what kind of group of people

Balsamic salad dressing (15 kcal / tbsp) is a salad dressing that is sour due to the balsamic vinegar being the main ingredient. Suitable for people who like to take care of their shape Because it has high lycopene It also helps fight free radicals, creating balance in the body.

Thousand Island salad dressing (58 kcal / tbsp) The dressing is pinkish orange. It has less oiliness than general salad dressing. The taste is more sour than sweet. Due to the main ingredient of tomato Which is rich in various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B1 and B12, calcium, phosphorus and iron, as well as lycopene, beta carotene and Amino acids as well This kind of salad dressing Suitable for those who like to eat salad dressing that is thick but not too heavy.

Sesame dressing (65 kcal / tablespoon) sour and salty Fragrant roasted sesame seeds Suitable for people who want to control weight. Although the energy may be higher than other types of clear salad dressing Because it contains sesame, which is a good source of fat (HDL fat), helps to prevent colon cancer and helps control blood clotting.

Caesar salad dressing (80 kcal / tablespoon) is a thick white salad dressing. Often eaten with lettuce or cos lettuce With crispy bacon and Parmesan cheese, which gives a mellow flavor Easy to eat, therefore suitable for people who are just beginning to eat vegetable salad.

Mayonnaise (90 kcal / tbsp) condensed cream salad dressing Sweet and sour When eaten with vegetables, makes eating easier Popular mixed with meat such as chicken breast and tuna To make a sandwich filling. This salad dressing is not suitable for people who are controlling weight

Clean salad dressing (The number of calories depends on the flavor of each type of salad dressing) is a mixture of extra virgin olive oil. Eggless Tart Suitable for those who control weight. Since salad dressing is low in fat and has few calories.

Spicy Seafood Salad Dressing (7.5 kcal / tablespoon) is a dressing that is based on the application of Thai seafood sauce. Has a sour and spicy flavor Due to the main ingredients of fresh lemon juice and chilies It goes well with vegetables or seafood. This kind of salad dressing Suitable for those who like to eat sour and spicy food. Also suitable for those who want to control weight Because this type of salad dressing is another type of salad that has low calories.

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